Explore the Song News Network collection

The Song News Network  is a growing collection of topical songs founded by (mostly) topical singer-songwriter David Rovics.

There are three types of songs in our database:

  • new songs related to current events;

  • songs related to “this date in history;”and

  • songs related to significant holidays and public occasions.

All of the songwriters have a radical and/or progressive perspective on history and social movements, and engage with social justice and humanitarian values.
There is a wide range of musical genres and styles in the collection, and we are always seeking more songs old and new.

Follow the Song News Network facebook page for playlists, new songs, interesting events, and posts from the newsletter.

Explore our Collection

You can explore our collection in either calendar or map format. Not sure where to start? Find a list of our contributing artists on this page.

The Song News Network Calendar

Songs in the calendar are filed by the date of the subject event. Displayed on the event itself are the name of the artist and the the title of the song. Browse the calendar by using the arrow buttons in the top left corner to scroll through the dates. Just click on any title that takes your fancy, read the description, and find a link to a recording of the song.

*If you use an online calendar system, you can add our calendar to your list, and then search using keywords in the search box, very convenient.

Our Song News Network Channel contains two types of playlists:

  • those marking an event significant enough to have had several songs written about it

  • those built around an international occasion or political/social theme

Submit Songs

SNN is curated by David Rovics, with research, editing and posting assistance provided by historian and music enthusiast Paula de Angelis. We actively collect songs new and old, and we want more!

Submissions need to be well-written, well-recorded, and either about something that just happened, or about something that happened in the past that you can connect to a specific date or “day of” theme. To submit a song for consideration, please send an email to songnewsnetwork@gmail.com, with the following:

  • A link to the song on Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify, or Bandcamp

    • A short introduction to the song in your own words, for public consumption

    • A date in history that the song is connected to in some way

You can also submit songs by posting, or sending a message, to our social media sites, or by contacting me via this publication.

Many thanks to all of the participating artists, and to Opak for the cool graphics!